luni, 21 aprilie 2014

What i want!

I want to watch the sunrise with you!
I want breakfast, and not just one
I want dinner, and not just one
I want freedom, but i also want you
Let me fly, and i will always come back
Hug me when i am sad
Listen to me when i have something to say
Be my best friend
Hold my hand when i am afraid
Don't let go when it's hard
And i will be yours!

vineri, 18 aprilie 2014

today i miss you

Today i miss you
today i want you
today i want my lips on yours
today i want ur hand in mine
today i want ur addictive smile
today i want to paint the world with you
today i want to feel the rain with you
i don't know what's tomorow
But today i miss you

Do not copy this text without my aproval!

miercuri, 16 aprilie 2014

We are made out of stars!

People are good! Every person is born good, the society makes them bad.
We come into this world as beautiful as the stars, with the glimmer in our eyes. A glimme of purity and happiness.
But soon society starts to change us, first the parents, then the rest of the society.
Old ideas, norms and regulations are inprinted deep into our minds. We are raised to be normal!
But what is normality, how do you define it, according to who's beliefs?

luni, 14 aprilie 2014

Keeper or not?

 How do you decide if a guy is a keeper or not?
Well, womens just know which ones are keepers and which don't.
A keeper is a guy that makes you smile, that loves to tickle you only to hear your crazy laugh! A guy that it's busy, but still finds time to meet you.
A keeper replies your texts, even if he has a lot of things to do;he tells you to have a good morning just to make you start your day with a smile; he tells you that you are beautiful.
A keeper is....well, u can feel if he is a keeper or not!

I don't need a man to be a woman!

I don't need a man to be a woman! I am a woman, and i will always be!
Sometimes i wonder why women's try desperatly to keep a guy next to them. Being single can be good also.
Until the right one comes!
It always dose.
I do not need a man to be happy! I do not need a guy for money, not even for the physic part. Even for that is a solution, that doesn't even speak :)
I need someone i can talk to. Someone that shares the same passions, or different passions. A person that wonders about everything and anything. Someone who is not afraid to ask questions, or to stand up for something he believes in!
Someone that reads more than magazines and the sport page from the newspaper.
Someone that puts a smile on my face even when he is not around!

duminică, 16 martie 2014

What a smart woman wants...

"In a short conversation, a man asks a woman:
-What type of man do you want?
She remains silent, looks in his eyes and says:
-Do you really want to know?
-Yes, i do!
Then she says:
-Being a woman, i am in the position of asking a man to do for me what i cannot do myself. I pay my bills, make shoppings, take care of the house, and everything without the help of a man. And then i ask myself: What can you bring in my life?
The man was starring. He was thinking for sure that she reffers to money.
Then she said:
- I am not talking about money, i can make my own money. I need much more than money.I need a man that seeks perfection in every life aspect. I am searching for someone who seeks mental perfection, because i need someone that can stimulate my intelect, to whom i can have a conversation. I cannot be with a man with a simple mind.
I need someone that can be sensible enough to understand me as a woman, but strong enough to catch me if i fall. I am looking for someone that i can respect and that can respect me. I am looking for a man that can take care of his own problems, in order to help each other.
I am looking for a guy that understands that a couple needs more than sex to be happy.
And a real woman will never accept a man that is extraordinary....but only for an hour. And that for the simple reason that a day has 24 hours.

He says:
-You ask a lot.
She answers:
-I deserve a lot!

Intr-o scurta conversatie, un barbat intreaba o femeie:
- Ce tip de barbat cauti?
Ea ramase un moment tacuta, il privi in ochi si ii zise:
- Vrei sa stii intr-adevar?
El raspuse:
Atunci ea incepu sa zica:
- Fiind femeie sunt in pozitia de a-i cere barbatului ceea ce eu nu pot face pentru mine. Platesc facturile, ma ocup de casa, merg la supermarket, fac cumparaturi si totul fara ajutorul unui barbat…
Imi pun intrebarea: Ce poti tu sa aduci in viata mea?
Barbatul ramase privind. Gandea cu siguranta ca este vorba de bani.
Ea, stiind ce gandeste el, spuse:
- Nu ma refer la bani. Am nevoie de mai mult. Am nevoie de un om care sa lupte pentru perfectiune in toate aspectele vietii. El isi incrucisa bratele, se aseza in fotoliu si privind-o ii ceru sa explice mai in detaliu.
Ea zise:
- Caut pe cineva care sa lupte pentru perfectiune mentala, pentru ca am nevoie de cineva cu care sa conversez si care sa ma stimuleze din punct de vedere intelectual. Eu nu am nevoie de cineva simplu din punct de vedere mental.
Am nevoie de cineva suficient de sensibil ca sa inteleaga prin ce trec eu ca femeie, dar suficient de puternic ca sa ma incurajeze si sa nu ma lase sa cad.
Caut pe cineva pe care sa il respect ca sa pot sa fiu “ascultatoare”.
Nu pot sa fiu asa cu cineva care nu poate sa isi rezolve singur problemele. Eu caut un barbat care se poate ajuta pe sine insusi pentru a ne ajuta reciproc.
Caut un barbat care sa inteleaga ca sexul are importanta lui intr-un cuplu dar ca nu determina existenta cuplului care se vrea cu adevarat fericit.
Si o femeie adevarata nu va accepta niciodata langa ea un barbat care este extraordinar … dar numai o ora! Pentru simplul motiv ca ziua are 24 de ore !
Cand termina, se uita la el si il vedea foarte derutat si intrebator.
El ii zise:
- Ceri mult.
Ea raspunse:
- Valorez mult! "

Author unknown- Autor necunoscut

joi, 27 februarie 2014


As people, it's in our nature to judge people, because we always compare ourselves with some person or another. But what would happen if one day u would try to compare yourself only with who you were yesterday :) ? U will stop judging, u will learn to accept people as they are, and maybe you will start to understand that judging and envy has no use, because you never know what that person has been thru....
Another way to be closer to pure happiness is forgiveness, forgive yourself at first and then the others, unforgiveness keeps you stucked in the past...
CLose the door to your past and embrace your future.....

marți, 25 februarie 2014


Mi-e dor de o imbratisare...Mi-e dor sa ma indragostesc
Sa am o poveste de spus, vreau fluturi din nou.
Ador sentimentul "indragostelii"....
-Am sa iti spun dorul meu,
Dor de dragoste, de foc,
Dorul de tanjala
Dorul de mi-e dor
Dor de zambet stins
Dor de maini
Dor de inima
Dor de doi
Dor,cat dor
Vezi tu dorul meu?
Din ochii mei se scurge
Cu setea de vara
E liniste, seara
Si dorul se aude
Mai tare, pana doare,
Pana spulbera tot ce nu e dor
Si ramane doar dor...
Credeam ca am sa mor...
Copy right Patricia Mitrache